Tuesday, October 29, 2013

October 2013 Honduran Bishops Conference on the elections

October 2013
Message of the Honduran Bishops Conference

“Choose among the men of the people some who are worthy and who fear God, men of integrity and who don’t let themselves be bribed and you will put them before the people are heads of a thousand, of a hundred, of fifty, or of the. They will work as judges for your people a every hour.” (Exodus 21-22a)


1. The Bishops of the Honduras Bishops Conference, meeting in an ordinary session, direct this message, first of all, to all the Catholic communities of our dioceses and also to the entire population of Honduras, moved by the desire that these general elections of November 23, 2013, may be a decisive step to strengthen the political institutions which may guarantee a life together that is just, free, and which promotes the dignity of every one.

2. October 11, 2012, we published the pastoral letter entitled “Reflections on the Current Electoral Process in Honduras.” There we were declaring our intention to “collaborate in the strengthening of the country’s democratic system.” Now, with this present message, we reaffirm the same commitment and the present significance of those reflections.


3. In these moments, and together with the majority of the population, we would like to be able to clear up so many doubts: Will the elections be transparent? Will they be carried out in the country and without violence? Will they help us get out of the crisis which envelop the country? Will the results be accepted? etc.

Despite these uncertainties, we see certain signs which we could consider positive in civil society, in the political parties, and in the institutions. [There are] signs that, although the weight of some incorrigible politicians continues to carry weight, [as well as] confrontation, discrediting of one’s opponent, fraud, cheating, and the manipulation of the simple, these are giving way to good sense and maturity in the political arena. Let us consider some of these signs:

4. The Supreme Electoral Tribunal (TSE), although it shows certain internal weaknesses, maintains continuing activity of consultation and seeking to establish the best mechanisms which permit it to anticipate whatever scenario which could call into question the results of the elections.

5. The presidential candidates has shown political maturity by agreeing, on Agusut 20 last year, before the authorities of the Supreme Electoral Council (TSE) and the National Registry of Persons (RNP] a “Political Ethics Pact” which obliges them to respect the results of the coming elections and to work with impartiality, responsibility, and transparency. Likewise, it commits them to carry out an electoral campaign “ based in ethics principles, in transparency, and in respect for the Constitution and electoral legislation.”

6. Various international institutions have shown an interest in sending observers to monitor the electoral process. Also, diverse Honduran civil society organizations are preparing to exercise functions of observation and social auditing.

Likewise, some universities and civil society platforms are holding discussion forums with the candidates which serve to awaken the interest of the population toward their proposals for governing. This is an excellent opportunity for the candidates to listen to the people.

7. Members of the Catholic Church are present in all these platforms; and also, through their own personal and community channels, the Catholic Church joins the effort to see that the elections are transparent. One example of this is the “Political Educational Campaign” which Caritas of Honduras is carrying out, directed at the entire population. In that Campaign special attention is given to youth who are joining the great collective who have the right to exercise their vote, in such as way that they participate actively “before, during, and after” the elections.


8 – We look with deep sorrow and compassion on the severe deterioration of health, education, work, and security. We urge the candidates to show their closeness to the suffering which this deterioration creates and to present clear proposals, with believable budgets to change these situations. The achievement [conquest] of power should never be to abuse it, but to use it for the good of all together. We especially urge the Catholic candidates to commit themselves, based on a good understanding of the principles of the Church’s social Teaching,  to always be attentive to situations of injustice and sorrow. To turn back poverty in all its manifestations is the primary task of whatever government.

9 – Pope John Paul II affirmed: The spirit of service is a fundamental element in the exercise of political power. Only this spirit of service, together with the necessary competence and efficiency, can make "transparent" or "clean" the activity of persons in public life which is justly demanded by the people. To accomplish this requires a full scale struggle and determination to overcome such temptations, as the recourse to disloyalty and to falsehood, the waste of public funds for the advantage of a few and with the intention of creating a mass of dependent people, and the use of ambiguous and illicit means for acquiring, maintaining and increasing power at any cost.” (Christifideles laici, 42)

10 – We believe it very necessary, at this moment in the history of Honduras, that these elections be, in the popular way of speaking, an authentic “civic festival,” so that we can move from the celebration of the general elections to the celebration of life in which the DIGNITY OF THE PERSON and their RIGHTS are respected and in which the COMMON GOOD is taken on as the ethical operative criterion of every form of government. Therefore, the elections should not be seen as an end, but only as a means so that ours is truly a democracy.

11- The whole Honduran people, not only the political parties, ought to recover their sovereignty and their role as protagonist in public and political life. “It is everyone’s responsibility to maintain the governability of the country in such a way that the Honduran people can express itself as subject of its own destiny, can organize itself to find alternatives to its problems, and can participate in taking decisions, investigation, control, and carrying out governmental affairs. A profound and enduring change cannot happen if all the population does not participate in this.” (Pastoral Letter “By the paths of hope,” no. 55)

12 – In our earlier pastoral letter about the electoral process, we emphasized the inadequate and negative results of absenteeism. It is because this means abandoning the right of participation and lets democracy rest in the hands of a minority which, backed up by the legitimacy of the electoral process, is imposed on all the people. Voting we acquire the moral force to demand that the elected authorities fulfill their obligations, which are much more important than their promises. We trust that the institutions of the state which have the responsibility to duly document the population  [with their identity cards] do it in in the time necessary to permit all citizens to exercise their vote.


13 – We ask all those persons who have the right to vote to exercise their vote conscientiously, that is, with understanding [consciousness] of the reality, having informed themselves about the candidates and after having reflected and prayer about what is best for Honduras.

14 - We trust that the people will know how to choose their representatives among the candidates of proven integrity, who live and defend democratic principles and the ethical values of sincerity, laboriousness [diligence at working], honesty, transparency, respect for others’ opinion, and a clear commitment to the common good, especially the good of the population which is impoverished and marginalized. [They would be] candidates who live more concerned about the future of coming generation than in the result of the next elections.

15 – We further ask that, for the good of Honduras, that they vote freely, that is, without conditioning or embezzling their votes,  neither by bribes nor by pressures or threats, not even by simple custom. May they vote for those who show a better understanding and closeness to the reality, for those who dedicate more time and energy in explaining their proposals, having given proof of their honesty and commitment to justice as well as respect for the democratic system.

16 – We urge the electorate to be vigilant and ready to detect and denounce whatever fraud or illegal practice that could happen to alter the transparency and the result of the elections.

17- We urge the Christian communities to take advantage of this opportunity which the elections offer us to give a true testimony of participation, of conciliation, of unity and respect, above all party affiliations.


18 – We trust [are confident] that an electoral process well carried out and with a high level of citizen participation, may lead to a social and political reorganization which allows for “the elaboration of a national inclusive project at the service of a democracy which is pluralistic, participative, just, responsible, respectful of human dignity, open to dialogue [dialogante], promoting the common good, and defending human rights – [and that] this be the style of life and of democratic culture for our people.” (Pastoral letter “Reflections related to the current electoral process in Honduras,” no. 26)

19 – Participation in the construction of a society that is just and lives in solidarity is an ongoing task. As Catholics and in the light of faith, we recognize the demands of a “political charity” which we have to live all the time. (See “Lumen Fidei” nos. 50, 54) We urge all Catholics not only to participate in the electoral process but also to continue to promote and participate habitually and actively in the community organizations [patronatos], parent associations, unions, professional and business associations, and in all initiatives that promote the participation and defense of the dignity of every citizen.

20 – We trust [are confident] that if we achieve an electoral process based on the values that we have mention, it is more feasible to correct, at the international level, the image that many nations have of Honduras as a country that is violent and ungovernable. En this globalized world we can not underrate the respect which is our right [por parte del concierto de naciones] on the part of the concert of nations at the regional as well as continental and intercontinental levels. An, above all, there will be the personal and community satisfaction to have contributed, by our participation, in maintaining the hope for the future for that “Rule of Law, sovereign, constituted by a republic that is free, democratic, and independent,” which is Honduras, as it is defined in the first article of our Constitution.

21 – With faith we ask the Lord to illumine our minds and hearts so that we act with honesty and dignity in the face of an event which is vital for our fatherland. May the Lord give us a sense of responsibility to act thinking, above all, of a future which ir dignified, safe, and peaceful for children and young people which have the right to receive the best inheritance possible: a Honduras reconciled and at peace.

Holy Mary, [Virgin] of Suyapa, intercede for Honduras before your Son and bless us with your motherly protection.

Comayagüela, October 9, 2013

Honduras Bishops Conference


The original Spanish can be found here: http://www.caritashonduras.org/images/stories/Documentos/2013/Octubre/mensaje%20de%20la%20conferencia%20episcopal%20de%20honduras-oct.pdf

The document in non-PDF format can be found here: http://juancitohonduras.blogspot.com/2013/10/mensaje-de-la-conferencia-episcopal-de.html

Thursday, June 27, 2013

La Ceiba, Honduras, Diocese on mining

Diocese of La Ceiba [Honduras]

The diocese of La Ceiba [Honduras], fulfilling the mandate of the diocesan Assembly held June 1, 2013, in the parish of San Isidro with the presence of 120 pastoral workers from all the parishes, to make a statement on the problem of Mining in the department and in particular in the sector Florida, of the parish of Nuestra Señora del Pilar in Arizona, lets it be known to all the People of God, to all people of good will, to the authorities and the citizenry in general, that

1 – Our earth is the creation and gift of God. Therefore we have to treat it with respect. We human beings, created in the image of God (Gen 1: 26), are called to be responsible administrators of the gods of creation, and we are called to “keep and cultivate [it]” (Gen 2:15).

2 – Jesus announced with his words and deeds that God is the God of Life (John 10: 10). Fidelity to the Gospel demands that we contemplate life as a gift of God in all creation. This integral and interdependent dimension of all that is created places a commitment on human responsibility.

3 – There is a close link between following of Jesus and mission. “The evangelizing mission cannot be separated from solidarity with the people and their integral promotion” (Document of the Latin American Bishops Conference in Aparecida [DA], 545). Thus, “the living conditions of many abandoned, excluded and ignored in their misery and their sorrow contradicts the project of [God] the Father and calls from believers a major commitment in favor of the culture of life. The Reign of Life which Christ came to bring is incompatible with those inhuman conditions. If we try to close our eyes in the face of these realities we are not defenders of the life of the Kingdom and we place ourselves on the road of death (DA 358).

4 – To live according to the Spirit of Jesus calls us to reaffirm the option for the poor, the vulnerable, and the excluded, who are the preferred recipients of the Kingdom and the primary victims of the negative effects of the socio-economic model now in place and of natural disasters provoked as a consequence of global climate change.


5 – We do not have the right to exploit the resources of the earth, “irrationally devastating the sources of life” (DA 471).

6 – The Social Teaching of the Church emphasizes the “a correct understanding of the environment cannot reduce nature in a utilitarian way to a mere object of exploitation” (Compendium of the Social Teaching of the Church [CDSI] 459). This implies also the responsibility so that future generations can inherit a land that is habitable.

7 – Reaffirm the need to preserve the planet earth as the “common house” of all living beings. Blessed Pope John Paul II advised us of the risks that are involved with considering the planet solely as a source of economic resources: “The environment as ‘resource’ puts in danger the world as ‘home’ ” (CDSI 461). For this reason there is a need to evaluate the long-term environmental cost of extractive [mining] activities.

8 - In regard to the activities of the extractive activities and to the use of natural non-renewable resources, it is necessary keep in mind the principle of the universal destiny of the goods of creation, especially the resources of vital importance such as water, air, and earth. This is the fundamental principle of the ethical-social order (Laborem Exercens, 19).

9. Another fundamental principal of Social Teaching which guides the Church in its commitment to promote integral and sustainable development is the principle of the common good. “To desire the common good and strive towards it is a requirement of justice and charity” (Caritas in veritate, 7). Likewise, recall that “the church has the responsibility in regard to Creation and senses the duty to exercise it also in the public environment to defend the earth, the water, and the air, gifts of God the Creator for all, y to protect the human person” (World Peace Day Message, 2010, 12).

3. We are concerned… and we reject…

10. The avalanche of mining projects in our department of Atlántida, which according to the data are several dozen, and try to exploit zones of a high ecological value. Atlantida has an unrivaled natural beauty with twelve protected areas as natural parks which represent 40% of its territory and is a region a the country with a major production of water, possesses a coastline apt for tourism with a series of coral reefs. Do we want to put all this beauty and richness in danger?

11 – The environmental impact that all these projects would bring on and the negative consequences for the life of the communities. Until now we do not have clear proof and evidence of the realization of any studies of the environmental impact which were carried out with the participation of the people affected. The lack of information in this respect makes us suspect the lack of credibility and the technical quality of these supposed environmental impact studies. We cannot begin a path in the name of development which will bring more damages than benefits.

12 – The lack of transparency and the secretive nature in these processes of concessions without informing and behind the backs of the communities which will be gravely affected. The wish is to impose the realizations of these projects on the communities without them having been consulted and with the excuse that “there are permissions” and “it is legal.”  Can these projects be implemented without having taken into account the opinion of the communities? As the Church we say that it is not possible and reject this assault on personal and collective human rights.

13 – The intervention of the Police and State security forces biased in favor of those who manage capital, influences, and wills.  We do not believe that the police acts in this case to protect the population, which has always been peaceful, but acts in favor of a part arriving to transgress legal limits and the police’s motto of “protect and serve.” Why is there the presence of the Cobra elements [an elite police force] in the zone with a provocative attitude toward the population which has lived peacefully without police presence?  We reject that the State be the provocateur with its forces to the population of this sector. We are unsettled by the motto of these Cobra forces “to conquer or die.” Conquer whom?

14 – The intervention of the local authorities that do not act with transparency, denying the people the right to decide.  Why has it not been possible to organize a popular consultation so that it would be the population who decide? Why have permission to operate been given without taking into account the opinion of the communities directly affected? Why do our public authorities turn their back on the people whom they ought to serve seeking the common good? Why this distance and failure of fluid communication with those whom they represent?


15 –Fulfilling its mission to work for reconciliation and unity, for respect for the dignity of each person and for the common good (cf. Lumen Gentium 1), the Church continues promoting an open and transparent dialogue between the different actors in the society who are involved in the socio-environmental conflicts. In this way the Church wishes to help in each case to put the breaks on the escalation of conflicts, to avoid violent outcomes and to find a just and sustainable solution.


16 – The diocesan church of La Ceiba calls the State, before authorizing the initiation of whatever mining activity:
• Guarantee consultation with the people beforehand, facilitating the participation representatives of the peoples and communities affected in decision making about the possible realization of said projects.
• Environmental Impact Studies which are serious and trustworthy  with the participation of the affected communities.
•The Church also demands that the state, though its mining authority, adequately inform the population on the results of the study.

17 – That a dialogue be opened in the sector and in the whole department to arrive at a consensus on the routes to an equitable, human, and true development.  We support the vocation of Atlantida as a tourist site, as much for its beaches ad for its mountains, the investment in forestry systems, fishing, agriculture and cattle farming, craftswork… Is mining the future of Atlantida? We believe that it is not and we know that other more human and sustainable alternatives must be sought in a form of consensus.


18 – The inhuman pressure that is being exerted on the communities of the sector of Florida and especially the community of Nueva Esperanza, in the Tela municipality in the parish of Arizona, Atlantida.

19 – The introduction of high caliber weapons in the sector. All this is permitted and with the connivance of the police in the zone for the purpose of squelching the voice of the communities which resist the imposition by force of a project which threatens their future.

20 – The presence of highly armed men in the zone, brought in from the outside the sector who are threatening all those who oppose the project with the practice of hired assassinations.

22 – The strategy of [sowing] division and confrontation among the people settled there. The mafia strategies of sowing chaos and lack of trust among the people with “informers.” “spies,” etc.

23 – The slander and threats against Father César Espinoza and the missionary team of Arizona, by some unscrupulous businessmen and those groups that come under their influence. As the Church of La Ceiba we support the pastoral work which is being done from the parish of Arizona rooted in a commitment to the poorest, in accord with the rich social teaching of the Church, accompanying the people who struggle for the right to life and the common good of the population.


24 – We don’t want this to come to violence in the zone… but if it comes to be, from today we deem responsible the impetuous businessmen who urgently are disposed to whatever may be in order to exploit the zone against the will of the people settled there, thus showing their imprudence and arrogance, as well as those responsible for State security forces who give orders which violate the security and the lives of a simple and peaceful people, and the police who follow orders to act against their own people in the service of private interest, and the local authorities for not having informed and consulted the people in a transparent manner.

8. WE OFFER...

25 – As Church to go forward strongly in the process of dialogue between the parties and to base ourselves in the just which does not always coincide with the laws which are passed.

We ask St. Isidore the Farmer, lover of the land and patron of our diocese, and St. Francis of Assisi to illumine everyone to find a wiser solution to the problems we confront. To them we entrust ourselves.

Promulgated in the city of La Ceibe, June 26, 2013

Signed by Monseñor Michael Lenihan, OFM (bishop of the diocese), Father Francisco Sánchez Argueta (vicar general), Father René Flores Pineda (chancellor), and Father Victor Cámara Cámaro (episcopal vicar).

The parts highlighted in black are highlighted in the original Spanish.